. . . they shall mount up with wings as eagles . . . Isaiah 40:31

Short Bible Study Lessons

Redeem the Time

Many believers these days have a difficult time finding an hour or two to break away from the demands of daily life to spend time in personal Bible study. And because it’s hard to find that time we often give up altogether and just go without spiritual nourishment and refreshing. Because of the limited amount of time we have in our day, it's helpful to be able to locate short Bible study lessons for adults that are useful for personal study, as well as for group studies, when that free time does become available.

And in addition to the dilemma of limited time left in our schedules, there is also the problem of sustaining our attention span for a long study session. Even trying to simply read two or three chapters a day can be a difficult task that, even if accomplished, doesn’t allow time for much reflection on what we’re reading.

This website aims to offer concise mini Bible lessons that are easy to absorb during brief moments of free time. While the lessons may not be one-scripture lessons, they will be short enough to take in fairly quickly. And in the event that some lessons become a little longer than short lessons, then they will be broken down into multiple shorter parts to maintain the goal of having bite-size teachings to work with.

Ephesians 5:15-16 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

May we all learn to redeem the time and find ways to accomplish the important things, those things that will draw us closer to the Father, and will give us greater insight into His word.

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